關於我們 About Us
美國武術家協會 US WUSHU MASTERS ASSOCIATION (USWMA) 是由從事中國武術運動的專家學者和從事武術實踐的各級各類人員組成的社團組織。本會對會員有聯絡、協調、服務的職責,依法維護會員的合法權益。對中國各武術流派拳種進行挖掘、整理、研究。進行有關的武術普及工作和相關的社會活動。對在武術工作中有顯著貢獻的會員予以獎勵和表彰;對優秀的武術研究成果進行評獎。舉辦各類學術講座論壇及短期培訓班觀摩演出等活動,促進武術事業的發展與繁榮。對中國及其他武術的團體、高等院校建立聯繫策劃、組織、參與國際性武術活動。邀請武術專家學者來美國內講學、交流。促進並加強美國及海外的武術組織和武術家的聯繫和往來,為弘揚中華民族優秀文化和促進貢獻力量。
US WUSHU MASTERS ASSOCIATION (US WMA) is a community organization,engaged with Chinese martial arts experts and scholars, and people participate in martial arts at all levels. The association has the following responsibilities: Liaising, coordinating the members and serving their rights and interests; Research and study different genres of martial arts, and carry out the relevant popularization work and social activities; reward member’s significant contributions and outstanding research results; Hold activities such as academic seminars, short-term camps and performance shows; Promote the development and prosperity of martial arts. Establish connections with other Chinese martial arts groups, institutions, and universities to participate in international martial arts activities . Invited experts and scholars to the U. S. for speeches and exchange activities; strengthen the connections of the U.S. and overseas martial arts organizations. Cooperate with local government and communities, develop American Chinese martial arts culture industry.